Join the Library Board!

Join the Library Board!

Applications are now being accepted for the 2023 – 2026 Lincoln Pelham Public Library (LPPL) Board.

In Lincoln, applications will be accepted until December 16.

In Pelham, applications will be accepted until the vacancies are filled.

To be eligible, applicants must be:

  • at least 18 years old
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Resident of the Town of Lincoln or the Town of Pelham
  • Not employed by the library or either municipality

A well-rounded Library Board includes community members with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and skill sets.

Experience with the following is beneficial but not required:

  • governance
  • strategic planning
  • fundraising
  • advocacy
  • finance


What is a Library Board?
A library board operates under the Public Libraries Act. The Library Board develops a strategic plan and outlines priorities to best serve residents of Lincoln and Pelham.

Projects for this term include:

  • Expansion and renovation of the Fonthill Branch
  • Expansion and renovation of the Moses F. Rittenhouse Branch in Vineland

How is the Library Board split?
The board consists of 11 members. There are five members appointed from Pelham and six members appointed from Lincoln, based on each municipality’s population. One board member from each municipality is an elected councillor appointed by Council.

How much time is required?
Board members serve for a four-year term, concurrent to that of the 2023 – 2026 Town Council.

Board meetings take place monthly (with the exception of July and August) and rotate between the four LPPL branches. Board meetings are generally held on the third Tuesday of the month and start at 7 PM.

About Us
Lincoln Pelham Public Library (LPPL) formed as a union library in April 2022. LPPL jointly serves the residents of Lincoln and Pelham as a single library system. With four branches located in Beamsville, Vineland, Fonthill, and Fenwick, LPPL provides service to approximately 45,000 residents.