Book Club Kits

Book club sets are available to borrow with your library card.

What is included in a book club set? 

Where possible, sets include accessible formats, including large print and audiobook. eBooks and eAudiobooks of titles may also be available through Libby or on hoopla digital.   

If you need more copies of your selected title, you can place a hold in the catalogue.

Who can borrow a set? 
Any LPPL cardholder can borrow a book club set. 
What sets are available?  

Browse the catalogue to see what sets are available. Book club sets are also available from other libraries. If needed, contact the library for assistance.  

How do I borrow a set? 

Sets are checked out on an individual’s library card. The individual assumes responsibility for the entire set.  

How long can sets be borrowed for? 

Book club sets loan for eight weeks and cannot be renewed. Sets cannot be booked in advance for a set date.  

How do I return a set? 

Sets must be returned inside to the circulation desk. Please ensure all books are inside the bag when returned.  

Book Club Resources 
Book Browse 
hoopla Book Club Hub (library card required) 
Reading Group Guides 
Visit the book publisher’s website for a list of discussion questions.