Frequently Asked Questions
When is the Lending Machine available? The Fonthill MCC Lending Machine is available during the MCC open hours: 7 days a week, 7 AM – 10 PM.
What is in the Machine? The Lending Machine has over 100 items and something for every type of reader: Adults, Teens, and Children.
How do I open the Lending Machine? Scan your LPPL library card barcode, or type in your library card number using the touchscreen. The door will pop open.
How do I check-out items? Once the door is open, take time to browse the items. When you’ve made your selection, simply close the door. The Lending Machine will take a moment to check its inventory, then display your checkouts on the screen. The items listed are now checked-out on your account.
How do I return items? At this time, we ask that all Lending Machine items are returned to the MCC staff located across from the machine. You are also welcome to return items checked-out at any LiNC Library location. Please note that there may be a delay of up to 7 days before returned items are removed from your account. No late fees are applied to library books, we only charge for damaged or lost items.
I tried to use the Fonthill Lending Machine, but there was a problem with my card. What should I do? LPPL cards expire every year, and long unused cards are removed from our system. To verify the status of your card, contact any open LPPL branch, email us at info@lppl.ca or call 905-892-6443 and leave us a message.
How can I get a library card? Visit any open LPPL branch to apply for a library card. Make sure to bring ID and proof of address when you visit (examples include your driver’s license or photo health card and a bill in your name or student card and report card). You can also register for a card online @ www.lppl.ca.
How do I search for what items are available in the Lending Machine?
Use Fonthill MCC Lending Machine items to find what it available right now.
Can I use a library card from another library system? It depends on the library system. You can use the Machine if you have a library card from any of the Libraries in Niagara Cooperative (LiNC): Fort Erie, Grimsby, NOTL, Port Colborne, Thorold, Wainfleet, Welland, West Lincoln. A library card from any libraries outside of LiNC will not work with this lending machine.
For any other questions or concerns, please contact us by phone at 905-892-6443 or email info@lppl.ca.
An Ontario Trillium Foundation grant funded this project.