Lincoln Public Library is committed to providing our patrons with accessible services and materials. If you need assistance, please ask a staff member.

Read on to learn more about our services and accessible materials.

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Person in wheelchair looking at computer

Services include:

Free library cards for everyone. All you need is a piece of ID that includes your address.
Free Wi-Fi
Public computers, with word processing and Internet access
Free scanning, including scan to e-mail
Black-and-white and colour copying (fee applies)
Faxing (fee applies)
Technical assistance with electronic devices, including computers, tablets, mobile devices and eReaders
Meeting rooms available to rent
Battery recycling
Seed Library at the Fleming Branch
Nature backpacks and Playaway launchpads to borrow
E-Library available 24/7
Events & Programs for all ages & abilities
Access to sets of books for book clubs
Extensive Local History collection
Visiting Library Service
Resources for Kids & Families
Class Visits & Outreach
Access to more than 250,000 items via the Libraries in Niagara Cooperative (LiNC)
Makerspace with cutting-edge equipment

Accessible materials include:

Large print books and Reader’s Digest magazines
Adaptive technology
Wheelchair-accessible facilities at both branches